niedziela, 20 maja 2012

"The Pythons" - icons of surreal humor

"The Pythons"

I usually don't take delight in cabarets or stand-up comedians, but there is a few exception of that "rule". Some really classic artist like Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju or Stanisław Tym really makes me laugh. However, my favourite kinds of humor are irony, abstract humor and puns, therefore I love Monty Python group. 

This brilliant British comedy group who created (among others) television shows called "Monty Python's Flying Circus".As John Cleese said, their aim was also to criticise conservative british society and homophobia using skeches and jokes. Their shows were full of surreal humor, absurds and farce. British love that kind of humor and "The Pythons" are mostly considered as thier "nation comedian group". Members of Pythons was: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin. Who don't remember John Cleese or statement "And now for something completely different" ? ;)

Apart from great ideas and acting one of the most recognized elements in their 
shows was ... form of the programme, narrowly - collage stop motion animations, mostly done by Terry Gilliam.

Here are some links:

Serial Mureder(polish subtitles, as I couldn't find original):
The Parrot Sketch(original english video):

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