niedziela, 12 czerwca 2011

Curry Chicken with Bananas

This is a recipe of one of my favourite dinner and it is called shortly Curry Chicken with Bananas. It's not sophisticated, it's good and high in calories (warning for ladies who want to cut on weight - better avoid that dinner :P). All you need to do it is:

- one sachet of rice (100g)
- half of onion
- 2 bananas
- at least 100g of chicken breast
- a bit of flour
- curry spice (it depends, I like when it is full of it)

First, you have to slice chicken breast into stripes. Pour some oil into the pan and heat it. Coat chicken stripes in flour and than put on your pan. Shortly after that add sliced onion to your meat (let it fry together). When you see that your chicken is getting white, add a curry spice to it and mix (u need to add sometimes a water to get some kind of a sauce, you cant let your meat to dry). When your rice and meat is ready, put it on your plate and put onto the top sliced bananas. Hope you made it, if not - practice and get some skills, that dish is really delicious.

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